Search Results
Vito Thomaselli vs. Brandon Thomaselli
Vito Thomaselli vs Sal Thomaselli vs Brandon Thomaselli, Ian Rotten as the referee, 9/29/2007
Vito Thomaselli(Airborne) vs Brandon Bishop vs Acid, December 2000
Vito Thomaselli w Team Thomaselli vs 3 Guys That Totally Rule, NWA Wildside Oct 2004
Vito Thomaselli beats dude up 1/29/2010
The Thomaselli Brothers vs X Foundation | PWG | 4/17/2004
Vito Thomaselli(Team Thomaselli) vs Naptown Dragons, IWA MS, 12/7/2007
Vito Thomaselli(The Haters) vs The Ring Ryda's, JCW, May 4 2011
Vito Thomaselli and the Kevin Harvey Incident, IWA MS October 2006
Vito Thomaselli's 1st Match, 11/5/1999
Vito Thomaselli vs Egotistico Fantastico vs Lethal Lee, 12/28/2002
Sal Thomaselli vs. Vito Thomaselli Promo